MBL 以动作为本的学习在线直播工作坊 Koh Li Li 和 Erliana Owyang

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Live 时间表

分为 2 节课,为时 9 小时 - 七月 18 号 及 25 号 2020 年 (1.30pm - 6.00pm GMT+8)

欢迎加入class #26007

Movement Based Learning (以动作为本的学习)


此课程提供让您能即时实践与实用的技巧和方法。强调观察/评估技巧和人类发展的基本认知。学员将学到如何使用 “建构活动”为新的学习铺垫,以改变及提升孩童有效的学习及沟通能力。

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您的课程 导师


Minaz Ajani

B.Ed (Sp.Ed) LD,
Faculty member of Breakthroughs International,
Licensed Brain Gym®,
Touch For Health
& Movement Based Learning Instructor.

Phoebe Long

Internaional Faculty

International Faculty Member, Licensed Instructor and Consultant








学生 分享


It’s an in-depth course about how Brain Gym movements can help persons with disabilities overcome their challenges and embrace their lives with passion and purpose. I recommend all educators in this field to take up this amazing course.

Annabelle Ryan Brain Gym instructor

My own learning enhanced! This course has been an eye opener for me. It will help me show my students the simple and easy ways that can help propel them on the path to learning better. They will be able to take ownership of their learning too. The instructors, Phoebe, Minaz, Hasanah and Dennis have been very generous and encouraging with their instructions, and their unstinted help.

Preetinder Brain Gym Instructor

Add on video's on 3 Dimensions This latest addition of video's of Cece teaching about the 3D is very clear and useful for course participants. She gives practical examples as well of some behaviours and movements we may encounter as parents, teachers and therapists with some children and adults and places this in the 3D framework.

Carolpetra International Faculty

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