Breakthru Parents Support Webinars


Let’s Engage with 3P.L.A.Y. Workshop (73602)

The POWER of Timeliness and Appropraiteness
Why the change of our response brings huge difference, and how to do so.

The POWER of OPEN MIND to learn again
How to prepare your child to learn again

The POWER of LOVING INFLUENCE to make a difference
Is there a better way to lead and aspire our children?


“Do you not know I have been MISUNDERSTOOD?” Webinar

This is the Certificate of Attendance quiz


3PLAY Stage 1 – Winning Stress Using 3P.L.A.Y. (Video Course)

23rd and 24th April, Saturday and Sunday- 9am-5pm

The Yummy COOKUP-Play – Breakfast series

Coming Soon

Intro to Winning Stress Using 3P.L.A.Y. Webinar

Zoom Webinar
Do you have a choice in times of stressful situations?
Gain insights how stress affect children's learning and health.
Learn to apply "Oxygen Mask" - 3P.L.A.Y. simple techniques to break away from stress.


3PLAY Stage 1 – Winning Stress through 3P.L.A.Y. with Brain Gym® in Bahasa Melayu (Video Course)

A Practical Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. Online Training Series
Part 1
Group 1 - 5 Mondays 20, 27 Sept, 4, 11 & 18 October 2021
Group 2 - 5 Wednesdays 22, 29 Sept, 6, 13 & 20 October 2021
Time: 8pm-10pm


How to Deal With Tantrum and Meltdown

What are the differences between a tantrum and a meltdown, and how to deal with both? Learn from this webinar now!


Special Education Needs Webinars

A collection of 19 webinars on topics of interest to special needs education from parenting to Malaysian SEN landscape by industry experts.


Breakthru Approach Education

Important theories and principles that form the basis of Breakthru Approach. Each approach components will be clearly explained through a series of videos and lectures.


Breakthru eLearning Hybrid Classes

Your child missed any of our e-Learning classes? Here you can find our recorded sessions and your child can revise as many times as he wants now.

How to Register A User Account

Account Created.

Please check your email to change your password


Upon successful creation, we will send password update to your email.

Your first and last name are needed and will appear on your certificates in the sequence of first name, last name).

What My Account Allows Me To do?

Your online account type decides what you can do. You may change your account type by taking relevant action. 

As a Visitor

As a Student

As an Instructor

As an Empwr2u Instructor