Steps To Complete | 完成步骤 (79161)

Take This Course | 参加本课程

Join this workshop by clicking “Take This Course” on the Course page, submit your Enrollment Agreement and make payment.


Preview Your Course before Zoom sessions | 在 Zoom 前预览您的课程

  • Preview your courses by choosing “My Courses” from top menu and then select this main course “3PLAY Stage 1 – Winning Stress”
  • Locate the Live Session Evaluation quiz on the course left side bar. You are required to complete this form at the end of the course.
  • Locate the Final Quiz at the bottom of left side-bar. You need to pass the quiz to get your certificate
  • 在菜单顶部,选择“我的课程”来预览您的课程,然后选择此主课程“3P.L.A.Y.飞跃突破法的第一阶段- 赢过压力”。
  • 评估测验在课程左侧栏上,您需要在课程结束时完成此表格。
  • 还有,最终测验在左侧栏的底部,您需要通过测验才能获得证书。

Check Your emails for: | 请检查您的电子邮件:

  1. Course Registration Confirmation email from b.empower
  2. Payment confirmation email from KiplePay
  3. Zoom Registration confirmation email with link to zoom meeting

Sometimes these emails may land in your Junk/Spam mail folders, so please check there too!

  1. 确认来自b.Empower的课程注册电子邮件
  2. 确认来自KiplePay的付款电子邮件
  3. 确认Zoom 注册电子邮件获得会议链接


Attend Your Zoom Class or In-Person Class!

参加您的 Zoom 课程或实体课程!

  • For Zoom students, please register a Zoom account before class if you don’t have an accout for Zoom yet.
  • Your Zoom Meeting Link is in your email. Use it to join with your Zoom account username and password (not b.empower user account).
  • In case you can’t find your email, you can find your Zoom link in your “Start Zoom” Lessons too.
  • 对于 Zoom 学生,如果您还没有 Zoom 帐户,请在上课前注册一个 Zoom 帐户。
  • 您的 Zoom 会议链接在您的电子邮件中,使用它来加入您的 Zoom 账户用户名和密码(而不是 b.empower 用户帐户)。
  • 如果您找不到电子邮件,您也可以在“开始Zoom”课程中找到您的 Zoom 链接。

Get your Certificate!

  • Complete the Live Session Evaluation form
  • Complete the Stage 1 Final Quiz
  • Print your Certificate and Celebrate! (Return to MyCourses to print your certificate)

Account Created.

Please check your email to change your password


Upon successful creation, we will send password update to your email.

Your first and last name are needed and will appear on your certificates in the sequence of first name, last name).

What My Account Allows Me To do?

Your online account type decides what you can do. You may change your account type by taking relevant action. 

As a Visitor

As a Student

As an Instructor

As an Empwr2u Instructor