What You Will Learn in BG110 (65029)

This course prepares one to become a Licensed Brain Gym Movement Facilitator who is authorized to teach Brain Gym® 104 and create customized workshops up to 6 hours. This course prepares one to become a Licensed Brain Gym Movement Facilitator who is authorized to teach Brain Gym® 104 and create customized workshops up to 6 hours. Participants practice teaching concepts, as well as giving and receiving feedback. The course covers administrative details for Movement Facilitators.

This course has 16 contact hours as well as an 8 hours independent study. The 8 hours involve the case studies, review of Assessment Tool with instructor, creating marketing materials (flier), and drafting a 30 minute segment of teaching to be evaluated.

What My Account Allows Me To do?

Your online account type decides what you can do. You may change your account type by taking relevant action. 

As a Visitor

As a Student

As an Instructor

As an Empwr2u Instructor

Something is missing

Your name and contact number are incomplete.

Please help us to update your first name, last name and mobile number as per your official identification document, as this name (in first name, last name sequence) will appear on your certificates in future.